I spend quite a bit of time online searching for reviews before purchasing items. As you probably know, there is nothing worse than spending your money only to find out that the product isn't at all what it was advertised to be. I thought it would be a good idea to start a blog with my own personal opinions on products to hopefully help some people decide if a product is worth their money.
I will also be posting coupons and news articles I come across. If it is for a product/place I have an experience with, I will also include my review with the coupon or news article.
Please feel free to contact me at reviewthis213@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. If I have received the product/service from a company to review or any type of compensation, I will always disclose this information at the bottom of the review. If nothing is there, then I paid for the item/service on my own. Also, if I receive a product/service to review or receive compensation, rest assured that I will always provide my honest opinion. In other words, I won't give a glowing review because I was compensated, this must be deserved.